Do you need help changing your financial future or the financial future of others? Are you looking for a mentor? Do you owe the universe and want to give back? Do you want to expand your local or global family? Then reach out to me and we’ll find out if we are a good fit for each other. What have you got to lose but a few minutes of your time?
“One of the best people I know. A very positive and effective motivator and leader.”
Terri Mason Clark
“Very focused and a leader with great insight”
Wawi Wa Hosea
Fuel Factor X (FFX) Opportunity Presentation Video
The live presentation may not be every week, but it is always available here! Share with friends! While you are there, subscribe to Dale’s YouTube channel!
Growing Your Team
Start with the basics of growing your team and watch this wonderful training on Relationship Mapping. You will learn how to expand your team in record time and benefit everyone! While you are there, Subscribe to Dale’s YouTube channel!
10K Trading Challenge
Ever thought about jumping into digital trading? Here’s your sign!You can join Akashx and get a $10K Trading Challenge at no extra cost. Yep, you get to trade with other people’s money! Promo runs September 1-30, but the sooner you start the longer you have to take advantage of the additional perks.