Growing Your Team
Start with the basics of growing your team and watch this wonderful training on Relationship Mapping. You will learn how to expand your team in record time and benefit everyone! While you are there, Subscribe to Dale’s YouTube channel!
Daily Event Posts Upcoming Changes
Please alert your team members about the upcoming changes to the daily event posting so they can get connected to the chats if they are not already.Click Here to Go to Connections
New Telegram Chats!
We’re excited to announce the launch of our official community chats on Telegram! Stay connected, get the latest updates, and be part of our amazing communities. MDCCommunity.comAkashxCommunity.com HempWorxCommunity.com Why join?
Replay: MDC Monday: Social Media Marketing, 4.22.24
Join Mathias Mbogori and Stevin Kavilu as they present how using social media marketing to build your business and team.
Replay: MDC Training Day, 4.10.24
If you missed this MyDailyChoice Wednesday night training, catch the replay here. Dale Franklin presents some great info for you to learn from and share with your team.
Replay: Monday with Dale, 3.4.24
Dale shares some incredible tips from Robert Hollis on how to advance ranks quickly in the business. This is amazing advice, share with your team!
Replay: Monday with Dale: Thinking Outside of the Box, 2.19.24
Dale is back from his break and ready to share his thoughts on how to grow your business through unconventional ways. If you missed the live presentation, here is the recording. Share it with team members!
Replay: Monday with Dale: Team Building & Relationship Mapping, 1.15.24
The valuable replay of Monday with Dale where he helps guide team building through relationship mapping. Not to be missed! Watch it again and be sure to share with team members to help them grow!
Relationship Mapping Form
If you missed the link to the Relationship Mapping form displayed during Monday with Dale, click below. I am a paper trail person, some call it old school, and I find printing this form out and making copies helps tremendously when I am working my team building. Leaders can provide this form when working with…
Monday with Dale: Team Building & Relationship Mapping, 1.15.24
Monday, January 15, 2024 10:00 a.m. USA PST / 1:00 p.m. USA EST / 6:00 p.m. Ghana / 7:00 p.m. Congo, Nigeria / 8:00 p.m. SAST / 9:00 p.m. Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda Join Dale as he provides team building tips and shares relationship mapping techniques! Click Here to Join Dale NOW!
Monday with Dale: BOGO Recap & Growth Going Forward, 12.4.23
Join Dale as he reflects on the BOGO sale and how to use the momentum of that sale to propel your business forward.
Step By Step Guide for New Affiliates
Dale has created a Step By Step Guide for New Affiliates that affiliates can use for training new team members. This form is only meant for new affiliates, not prospects or customers. Find the Form HERE
Replay: Monday with Dale. Step-By-Step Guide for New Affiliates
If you missed the live introduction of the Step-By-Step Guide for New Affiliates, catch the replay here! Share with your team members.
Monday with Dale: Step-by-Step Guide for New Affiliates, 10.23.23
Amazing Training for you to attend! Don’t miss as Dale introduces his Step-by-Step Guide for New Affiliates. This is valuable for anyone who is building their teams. It’s an easy to use, easy to duplicate system. Join Monday with Dale
Monday with Dale: Guest Chris Robinson, 10.2.23
Join host Dale as he welcomes Chris Robinson, Super Affiliate, 7 figure earner. Chris brings amazing background knowledge of the MDC business and its products. Invite team members! Join Monday with Dale!
Replay: Monday with Dale: Revisiting Relationship Mapping, 8.28.23
As promised, the best team building training that you can ever ask for. Here is the replay if you weren’t there for the live.. share it with team members.
Monday with Dale: Revisiting Relationship Mapping, 8.28.23
Join Dale as he revisits one of the best ways to grow your team! Priceless training, not to be missed!
Monday with Dale: Bring Questions Q & A, 8.21.23
11:00 a.m. USA PST / 2:00 p.m. USA EST / 7:00 p.m. Congo, Nigeria / 8:00 p.m. SAST / 9:00 p.m. Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda Monday with Dale: Bring Your Questions Q & ADale is ready to answer any questions or concerns you have. Invite team members to join and bring their list of things to…
Replay: Monday with Dale: Special Guest Chris Bailey, 7.24.23
Don’t miss out on this dynamic duo!! Host Dale welcomes special guest Chris Bailey, who shares his background, his why and how to keep your motivation strong.
Replay: Monday with Dale, 7.10.23
If you missed the live presentation of Monday with Dale on July 10th, catch the replay here.